In each company, it is possible to make transactions with customers in several foreign currencies and to find out the balance of each customer’s receivables, you can access the customer receivable aging report.
For customers who use foreign currencies at the time of the transaction, sometimes there are users who cannot access the report with the following error message:

SAP Business One Tips – Permission Error When Accessing Customer Aging Report
The error is caused by the user does not have the authorization to access exchange rates & indexes. And if the SOP not allowing users to access the exchange rate menu, we will inform the workaround to access the report:
- One of the causes of the error because the aging date filled in by the user in the selection report so that the exchange rate can be filled first on that date by the authorized user.
- Users can first change the aging date to the date that the exchange rate has already been entered, then after the report appears, change the currency to a local or business partner.

SAP Business One Tips – Permission Error When Accessing Customer Aging Report
After the change, the user can access the report again with the aging date that has not been set for the exchange rate.
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