There are times when there are some items that should not be placed in a particular warehouse, and in SAP there are functions that can help with these conditions.
In the item master data there is a list of active warehouses for the company used, and there is a “Locked” column in the warehouse list. If in a certain warehouse, the “Locked” column is a tick on, then the item cannot be transacted on the checked warehouse.

SAP Business One Tips – Locked function in Item Master Data warehouse list
From the picture above, it means that item code Z00004 should not be placed in warehouse 02.
And if a transaction is made on that item with a restricted warehouse, the message “The warehouse is locked for this item” will appear. For example, attached:
- Purchase Order
SAP Business One Tips – Locked function in Item Master Data warehouse list
- Good receipt
SAP Business One Tips – Locked function in Item Master Data warehouse list
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