When you use SAP HANA as a Database Platform for SAP Business One, you can set database backup schedule easier through SLD Control Center by following these steps:
- Open SLD Control Center in Chrome / Firefox browser and open url address https://<HANA_IP_ADDRESS>:40000/ControlCenter
- Log on using “B1SiteUser” username and password and you will see the main screen (figure 1).
- Click on server name in the “Servers” tab and it will show all company databases.
- Click on company name which you would like to set the backup schedule at.
- Click “Schedule Export” button and it will show a pop-up window (figure 2).
- Set appropriate backup schedule for corresponding database.
Database backup files can be found at /<HANA_INSTALLATION_FOLDER>/shared/backup_service/backups (See figure 2)

Figure 1. SLD Control Center Main Screen

Figure 2. Backup Schedule Pop-up Window
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