PT Sterling Tulus Cemerlang



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500+ FREE Tips SAP Business One for you to Become SAP B1 Super User from Sterling Tulus Cemerlang (STEM)

Generate Pick List in SAP Business One


Pick List is a document that contains a list of items to be taken from the warehouse for further packing and shipping. In SAP, you can create a pick list directly from related documents with just a click. Here are the steps that need to be done.

  1. Open the document you want to make a pick list. In this example using a Sales Order that was created before.
  2. Right-click on the Sales Order view and select Generate Pick List.
    SAP Business One Tips - Generate Pick List
  3. The Pick List document will be generated automatically with the status Released. Click on the Pick All button to do the picking.
    SAP Business One Tips - Generate Pick List
  4. The Pick List status will change to Picked and the Picked column will be filled with the quantity contained in the Sales Order document. Click the Update button to save the picking process.
    SAP Business One Tips - Generate Pick List

Note: Available since SAP Business One 9.1


Also read:

Run Your Business With The Piece of Mind Using SAP Business One

This article was written by PT. Sterling Tulus Cemerlang
More details about SAP Business One,
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